I was introduced to this record at a party. I was mid-conversation when it came on the speakers, I don’t remember if I excused myself or not, but I do know I bee-lined it over to our host and asked about the music that stopped everything in its tracks and demanded my attention. There were other sultry, intoxicating voices on the radio and stereos back in the mid-1990s when this came out, but I had yet to hear something as alluring as Skye Edward’s voice paired with the hypnotic electronica provided by the Godfrey brothers.

Who Can You Trust? achieves something quite rare in music. Call it the chicken and egg effect. Is it the music that brightens the vocals, or is it the voice that amplifies the music? The question is moot really, as it’s almost impossible to separate one from the other. The fusion creates such a delightful trance-like state that the query is forgotten, washed over by the delicate yet insistent wave of euphoria produced by this record.


Apple Music


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